
 Couples astrogeography (without maps)

This session is for couples who do not need the maps but do need to know if a particular destination/destinations are right for them.

Couples will discover locations where both parties will have harmony together.


What this session includes


60 min session with dara

Dara preps for this session by identifying the best places for each individual and as a couple combined.

Digital maps emailed to you.


After booking your session you will need to send time, date and place of birth of both parties.

Ninety minute session $595


sessions can be over phone, facetime or skype. 


What Dara needs from you:

  • A location of your interest + what areas in life need attention (career, love, health, etc…) + what you want to achieve as a couple.

  • Phone number for a call or facetime or skype info


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