

this life tool is a journey into discovering your purpose, direction, joy and spiritual evolution through understanding your North and South Node. You do not need prior astrology knowledge nor do you need to know your birth time, just your birthday! To find your North Node see the chart below.

THE NORTH NODE speaks of your dharma, what your soul wishes to be and do in this lifetime. It has been said that it is literally the reason for incarnation. It is your soul’s wish. When you act according to your north node you will spiritually evolve, and have a deep sense of satisfaction and great joy. 

THE SOUTH NODE is your comfort zone. Who you have been in past lifetimes and what karma you bring into this one. The south node represents your shadow behavior and what does not serve you anymore. It also reveals inherent gifts and traits that you get to take with you.

KNOWING YOUR NORTH NODE is like having a roadmap of which direction to go to and what to leave behind. It is so liberating and empowering to know which direction to head in and what steps to take. Having clarity and conviction are two of the best things in life.

Dara spells it all out for you. She takes this wide body of information and makes it easy to understand and gives you actionable steps to take. This life tool is fun, simple and very practical. If you’re feeling in any way lost, stuck, directionless or are not feeling complete joy in your life, Dara has created this life tool FOR YOU.

Discover your life’s purpose in a fun and uplifting way, Dara-style.

Purchase the North Node Part 1 & 2 complete bundle for $252 (50% off buying each individually)
Purchase an individual North Node for $30 each


Purchase the Complete Life Tools Bundle (Intro to Astrogeography + North Nodes Part 1 & 2 + Intro to Midheaven) for $540


$30 EACH

watch time approximately 60 mins

*Use the chart below to identify your specific north node before purchasing. The north node will most likely be different than your sun sign.

If you only want to know about your own node then the individual north node package is for you. The full north node bundle is highly recommended because we don’t operate in a bubble, we are all in connection with others.

Why you need your individual north node video:

  • to catch the behaviors that are holding you back (i.e. when you’re in your south node)

  • to get clarity on your life’s purpose, your mission, career and life in general

  • to confirm your own intuition on the direction you are thinking of heading so you can act with CONVICTION

  • Dara discusses what best to do in love, career, what to wear, body movements, what astrogeography lines are best for you, what to do in your home and what to say to yourself in the form of mantras!

  • if you are in the business of helping others it is advisable to obtain the complete life tool

Why you need your children’s/partner’s north node videos:

  • as a parent, to know which behaviors to encourage and which to not reprimand or curtail ;)

  • when you find out your partner’s south node you will be able to identify trouble areas in your relationship. Dara tells of her personal experience with this!

Each individual node package includes:

  • an introduction to north and south nodes, explaining what they are and why they’re important

  • Dara’s interpretation of your north node and south node behaviors including actionable steps to take

  • a detailed pdf packed with things you need to know about your north and south nodes

  • a bonus video of dara sharing her taurus north node life story

  • a special final note from Dara sending you on your glorious north node journey

    It is soul tickling information. Enjoy!

get your north node

$30 EACH

*Use the chart below to identify your specific north node before purchasing.

*The north node will most likely be different than your Sun sign.

*With purchase of this life tool you will have unlimited access to the videos.
*All sales are final, no refunds on the course are permitted.


When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy
— rumi


A special note from Dara:

I am so excited to announce the launch of the north nodes, finding your life’s purpose and joy :)

I haven’t been this excited about a subject since I found feng shui, raw food, and astrogeography.

I am sharing my secret as to how I’ve been guiding others to find their purpose and joy! The information here has helped me, the loves of my life and all of the people I do sessions for!

I have taken a beautiful and vast topic and distilled it down in a direct, simple and loving way.

The north node gives us the go ahead to follow the little voice inside that we have heard but perhaps didn’t know to trust. You will have “AHA” moments and possibly some feelings of “uh oh,” while recognizing not so lovely behaviors. We all need to identify behavior which doesn’t serve us so we can stop and redirect ourselves towards our north node! 

So if you have ever felt like you had a knowing inside, a ping, a pull but didn’t know whether you should trust it or not, this is for you.

If you have ever felt lost or confused, or just not quite sparkly or if opportunities are not flowing freely then this life tool is for you.

I really do feel it is my purpose to guide others to the joy that happens when we find our life’s purpose.

:) Dara



THE NORTH NODES PART 1 & 2 BUNDLE! (includes all 12 north node videos + all 12 house placement pdfs!)

Why get the complete North Node Bundle:

  • the north nodes life tool is invaluable if you work in the wellness or healthcare fields. As you will be able to efficiently direct them towards their well being.

  • because you will have lifetime access and you will always be able to look up new people who come in to your life

  • to help guide you to understand those around you (children, parents, partner, coworkers and friends) and give you the language to encourage them to be their best. They will feel seen and understood. 

  • to gain a deeper connection with your children and encourage their north node behaviors at a young age (and know which behaviors not to reprimand)

  • to see into another soul’s wish for themselves and create more harmony and joy in your relationships

We have other people in our lives that we need to encourage towards living their life’s purpose. On your journey to happiness, bring those around you with you! 

Join Dara for this self-guided north node journey and have access to this tool for life.

Each bundle includes:

  • an introduction to north nodes and house placements explaining what they are and why they’re important

  • Dara’s interpretation of each of the 12 nodes in video format including practical ways to engage your souls purpose and joy.

  • a detailed pdf filled with what you need to know about each of the 12 nodes

  • a detailed pdf with an introduction to the north nodes house placements filled with everything you need to know about each placement

  • a bonus video of dara sharing her taurus north node life story

  • an special final note from dara sending you on your glorious north node journey


a peak in to Dara’s North Node story


dara living in her TAURUS NORTH NODE glory
find out what that means ;)…


part 2 of your north node story: HOUSE PLACEMENTS

Want to go deeper?

Book a Guidance Session to go over your information with Dara!

*All sales are final, no refunds are permitted.



please email: hello@daradubinet.com with any questions or feedback!


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online coursesDara Dubinet