Learn about the planetary energies and how to read their influences on your Astrogeography map! Listen to Dara talk about her experiences about the planetary lines and how to harness these powerful energies to your advantage no matter where you are in the world! In this course you will learn how to read your own (and others!) Astrogeography map. No software or technical skills required!

Enroll now in Intro to Astrogeography!




  • Learn about the energy of where you were born and discover the energies (lines) of your personal Astrogeography map worldwide!

  • It tells us about the energy in which you are currently on right now ( energies that you are CURRENTLY swimming in) and the energy you have access to worldwide!

  • This life tool can bring more clarity on what makes up the story of your life, your character and what traits you’ll carry with you no matter where you are in the world.

  • In this course, Dara teaches you ways in which you can harness these energies without having to travel or even relocate, she calls this ‘Astrogeo Armchair Travel’. Have a Venus line over India on your map? Channel it by eating beautiful Indian food! You harness these energies no matter where you are in the world.

  • Feeling called to move or relocate? Find out which place is calling YOU worldwide: Learn Intro to Astrogeography now.



Astrogeography is a life tool that can open up a world of possibilities in your life! Dara makes the information palatable, reputable, and actionable for you to understand.

The Complete Life Tools Bundle is strongly recommended if you are a practitioner of any sort or in a profession where you help others. Are you looking to relocate or guide people with Astrogeography? This course is great for world travelers, businesses and even families!


*With purchase of this life tool you will have unlimited access to the videos.

*All sales are final, no refunds on the course are permitted.



17 videos!
17 bite-sized videos explanations on how planetary energies may be affecting you right now and tools to work with them.

BONUS example videos.
Examples of Dara's map and Lacy Phillips’ map provide concrete exploration.

Dara’s story.
Learn how Astrogeography shaped Dara’s life before she even knew what it was. Hint: she was born on a Pluto line which is why she's an agent of change! Discover and understand the positioning of your crossings and parallels of lines. You will learn how to harness planetary energies no matter where you are in the world.

You will have the tools to:
Understand your own birth story and the lines that influenced you at birth. To read the charts of your clients, family members and friends. To embrace any potentially difficult and challenging planetary energies when you are not able to relocate. And to utilize this life tool to help call in planetary energies to help make your dreams come true, flourish in your career, bring a new love into your life, and so much more..





“Taking Dara's Astrogeography course has lit me up in so many ways! She explains the information in a digestible way, gives you tangible and accessible ways to call in the energy you're wanting, and her energy is positively infectious. I've been telling everyone about the power of astrogeography after learning from Dara—the information is transformative. It has helped me confirm my purpose, understand what's supportive and what's challenging about the place I live and places I have lived, and now I'm using the knowledge to plan for house buying and future vacations. If you're able, I highly recommend scheduling the 30 min follow up appointment with Dara after completing the course—further clarity and non-stop inspiration!”

- course participant, Intro to Astrogeography

“I loved connecting with you today. Another 'thank you' doesn't quite do justice to how I'm feeling, so I'll just say, I knew you were someone I needed to cross paths with, and I am so, so grateful we did!

Thank you for creating the Astrogeography course and sharing with me exactly what I needed to hear.”

- Courtney, Intro to Astrogeography

Just started this and literally is life changing already I feel soooo much more at peace knowing that how I’ve felt in places is true and isn’t just me being cray. Mind blown! People need to know about this!
— Victoria, Intro to Astrogeography

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